We produce Hardscape Fountains

We produce decorative, garden fountains of concrete to order

The company "Archidea" is ready to offer you a complete fabrication and installation of decorative fountains of composite materials: GRC, fibrous concrete. This attribute will give the landscape of your home a special attraction, and will also be an element of luxury and well-being index and refined taste of the owner.

Experience and professionalism

Experience and professionalism that accumulated for years allow to make the architectural masterpieces of individual design and in a short time. We prefer modern materials and therefore and offer our clients a wide range of finishing techniques and choice of various original invoices. That allows us to remain a leading company in the industry.

Fountains of garden

Garden fountains are not just decoration for your landscape, but also significantly affect the formation of a special microclimate all the court as a whole. This is particularly noticeable in hot weather, when you can relax, sit by the water, resting on the ambient heat.

Value creation

You will be pleasantly amazed with pricing policy, which does not depend on the reputation of the product, which is primarily attribute of prestige, and focused exclusively on cost and labor.

Making fountains of individual design

Using the capabilities of a material such as GRC, we are able to get simulate virtually any invoices. Company "Archidea" has the technological capabilities of fast and inexpensive manufacturing of concrete fountains of all types and of any complexity as well as to your own project.

Here You can purchase the equipment for manufacture of products from GRC production company Avangardspetsmontazh - rastvoronasos station and mixer.

Let's see ...